The College of Agriculture and Food Science conducted the CAFS Interunit Sportsfest last
February 5 to 7. All the units under CAFS participated and were grouped to form four teams,
namely the Maroon, Gray, Navy Blue, and Purple. Institute of Plant Breeding formed the
Maroon Team. Institute of Crop Science, Postharvest Horticulture Research and Training Center,
Central Experiment Station, and CAFS Dean's Office composed the Gray Team. Institute of
Animal Science, Dairy Training and Research Institute, and Agricultural Systems Institute
constituted the Navy Blue Team. NCPC; Institute of Weed Science, Entomology and Plant
Pathology; and Institute of Food Science and Technology comprised the Purple Team.
The first day of the Sportsfest was fun-filled with Zumba dances and the introduction of muses
and escorts per unit. Dr. Marita S. Pinili and Arcangel P. Cueto confidently represented NCPC.
Likewise, they actively participated in the games, just like the other players from the Center.
John Julius P. Manuben, the head of the NCPC Sports Committee, had given full support to the
players from the Center while busy facilitating in the whole 3-day event.
The teams competitively played the Philippine games like sack race and tug of war; athletics;
and other sports such as volleyball, baseball, badminton, softball, table tennis, billiards, bowling,
chess, and scrabble.
The event has strengthened the camaraderie among players from the unit and the entire college.
(RA Limpiada; Photo: PM de Chavez)