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The Plant Biosecurity Division is tasked to develop researches in the fields of Pest and Disease Risk Assessment, Forecasting, Modelling and Simulation, Surveillance and Forecasting Quarantine Support, Pest and Disease surveys. As a national center of pest and disease research, the group prioritizes development of farmer-friendly and climate-resilient pest management technologies that harness the available technologies and historical information.



Pest Management Division is committed to provide safe crop protection technologies and minimize the use of pesticides that will contribute in attaining compliance to Good Agricultural Practice, food security and enhance competitiveness in international food trade. The division implements various research in field utilization of biological control agents for pests and diseases, other non-pesticidal control tactics, cultural control, physical control, and crop induced resistance to plant pathogens. Biotechnology is also included in the priority fields of the unit in order to adapt to the growing demands of modern agriculture. Strategies to enhance the unit’s service to the Filipino farmers include molecular plant pathology and disease diagnostics, insect genetics, and risk assessment of genetically modified crops with resistance to pests and diseases.

The Pesticide Management Division is committed to the pesticide residue analysis of crops and the environment, assessing the impacts of pesticides in non-target organisms (ecotoxicology), and dietary and occupational risk assessment of pesticides. The division is also involved in extension works dealing with the capacity building of various stakeholders in line with the judicious use of pesticides and disseminating knowledge about pesticide residues. 

The Public Service Division caters to extension services of the center such as Training programs, pest information and communication involving publications, exhibits and showcases, visitors’ services such as study tours and crop protection clients’ visits, workshops and seminars, database information management and website management.

A coordinated unit of expert and laboratory services providers under NCPC that cater to the needs of:  farmers, academe, public, partners, and private industry.

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