Back-to-back in-house seminars on UPLB’s environmental and solid waste management initiatives and on Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) were held on 3 August 2022 at the National Crop Protection Center (NCPC).
Dr. Barbara L. Caoili, NCPC Director, expressed her hopes that the activity will help the NCPC personnel learn about proper waste management and relevant university programs and initiatives that the Center can take part in. She also stressed the importance of knowing GLP to ensure the quality of research being conducted in the Center.
Resource speakers for the seminars were Jasper A. Sarmiento and John Julius P. Manuben, NCPC researchers.

Sarmiento, a member of the newly formed UPLB Corps of Environmental Stewards, echoed the discussions from a two-day training led by the UPLB Environmental Stewardship Committee.
He talked about the composition of waste produced in the university and UPLB’s Waste at Source Segregation Project, proposed waste collection scheme, and Waste-to-Energy facility. He also talked about hazardous waste management, including proper storage containers and areas, classification of hazardous wastes, and the university’s hazardous waste online inventory system.

Meanwhile, Manuben discussed the history and fundamental points of GLP whose main goal is to help scientists and technicians obtain results that are reliable, repeatable, auditable, and recognized by other scientists.
He enumerated examples of GLP such as having qualified personnel with defined roles, labeling, maintaining, and calibrating equipment, properly storing and labeling reagents/chemicals, among others.
Melissa P. Montecalvo, NCPC researcher, closed the program by encouraging the participants to make it a habit to observe the protocols discussed by the resource speakers.