by Paulo De Chavez | Apr 15, 2019 | Featured news
On April 15, Professor Avril Adrianne Madrid of the Department of Science Communication at UPLB’s College of Development Communication conducted a seminar cum workshop at NCPC. Participants of the seminar were NCPC REPS in charge of the NCPC website development...
by Paulo De Chavez | Apr 10, 2019 | Featured news
On April 8, the UPLB Office of Anti-Sexual Harassment (OASH) conducted a seminar at NCPC to orient staff about Gender Sensitivity, Anti-Sexual Harassment policies and Gender Fair Language. Speakers were Dr. Emilia Lastica-Ternura, coordinator of OASH and Ms. Julie Ann...
by Paulo De Chavez | Apr 3, 2019 | Featured news
The 2019 Dry Season Lakbay Palay (Farmers’ Field Day) was held at PhilRice on April 3 with the theme, “De Kalidad na Palay, Bigas, Kanin, Masaganang Buhay Tataglayin”. Carrageenan technology of NCPC was featured in the exhibit which aims to showcase...
by Paulo De Chavez | Apr 2, 2019 | Featured news
On April 1, The NCPC Carrageenan Team in collaboration with SIGMATECH conducted an environmental testing and pilot testing of LI-COR Photosynthesis System. Said equipment will be used in the project “Field Verification Testing of Carrageenan Plant Growth Promoter for...