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NCPC joins the CAFS Interunit Sportsfest

The College of Agriculture and Food Science conducted the CAFS Interunit Sportsfest last February 5 to 7. All the units under CAFS participated and were grouped to form four teams, namely the Maroon, Gray, Navy Blue, and Purple. Institute of Plant Breeding formed the...

Davao UAS starts training NCPC to use drone

Davao Unmanned Aerial Solutions (UAS) scheduled to train six NCPC staff members on the useof the Multi-Rotor Quad UAV this February.  The training module consists of the introduction ofthe device, flight planning, hands-on drone flight, and data processing. The...

NCPC conducts General Assembly

The NCPC recently conducted its general assembly to elect its new APC for REPS and admin, also to discuss its upcoming events. Director Gil L. Magsino presided the said event, which was held on 20 January 2020 at the NCPC Auditorium. In his message, he profoundly...

NCPC meets the DA Secretary

Last 14 January 2020, Secretary William D. Dar of Agriculture had a short meeting with Director Gil L. Magsino of NCPC and its staffs to discuss the current activities and future plans of the Unit in support to the agriculture sector specifically on the area of crop...
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